Friday, April 17, 2009

Ron Dennis, Anthony Hamilton, Max Mosley and Lewis Hamilton

It seems that the horny asshole has got his wish. He's forced Ron out of F1 by constant hammering of McLaren and Lewis Hamilton these past 2 years. He's threatened another big blow on April 29 in Paris based on a major bungling of the FIA and race stewards at Melbourne, Australia.

That incident at Melbourne did not have to as far as it did if the incompetent FIA had just used all the technology available to them during races, technology of which they've spent millions on. Max argues about cutting costs but after spending millions on technology for the FIA to manage races, they don't use it. Isn't that a fucking waste? Waste equals costs doesn't it? Or does Max needs somebody to spell it out to him.

We all know how much Max hates Ron and everything he does is angled at making life difficult for Ron. These past 2 years have thrown up exciting opportunities for Max to hammer Ron and McLaren and he has taken full advantage of it. The culmination is the stepping down of Ron Dennis from McLaren racing, effectively ending his F1 career.

In the middle of all this are rumours. There are so many rumours and conspiracy theories abound especially circulating around Lewis. I've read many articles and comments around the net that it makes me sick. On the one hand, these people are saying that Lewis is wrong and on another hand they're saying that they "sincerely" hope he doesn't get hammered too much. But there are some blogs and reporters out there that are continuosly providing damning information and analysis that makes Max extremely happy. Instead of a simple racing incident, we have a non-stop saga that gets everybody up in arms and fucks up the racing and the championship.

Talking about rumours, it seems that everybody who writes, believes and are making everybody who reads, believe that Anthony Hamilton is some kind of ungrateful monster that is engineering the ouster of Ron Dennis. They even claim that Anthony thinks Ron is "prickly" and "arrogant". How do they know all this? Best of all, the experts seem to work for tabloids with names like The Daily Mail. Do you pick up a tabloid at the shops if you wanted to know what is happening around you? Or do you pick it up to read thrash and look at half naked girls? I rest my case.

The worst bunch are those who read the trash and then spurt out even worse trash. Especially the Hamilton haters and racist motherfuckers out there. Yeah, you know who you are. These people just react like animals based on instinct without thinking. They've got so much hate that it clouds their thinking and judgement.

Why can't we just get back to the racing? Why is everybody trying to cheat and claiming everybody else is cheating? Why is the FIA not acting like a motorsport governing body but behaving like an episode of Dallas?

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